1st Period: 6-4 Pkt; There will be a GATES grant project over percent of change on Jan. 24-45.
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Period: 6-4 Rdg Strategies; BB52; 6-4 Problem Solving We will finish our last lesson on Thursday. Check answers on pkt. We will continue with a new pkt on Applications of Percents and have a test over the entire unit of Percents. There will be a GATES grant project over percent on Jan. 24-25
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Period: 6-4 Rdg Strategies; BB52; 6-4 Problem Solving We will finish our last lesson on Thursday. Check answers on pkt. We will continue with a new pkt on Applications of Percents and have a test over the entire unit of Percents. There will be a GATES grant project over percent on Jan. 24-25