1st Rotation Math: 1.3 The Game (in class); 1.4 Skills (1-10)
2nd Rotation Math: The Game (in class); 1.4 Skills (1-10)
3rd Reading: Central Idea 1 (due today in class or take home to finish); Cursive Writing D,E,F (due Friday)
4th Social Studies: Current Events Started yesterday. One current event is due Every Wednesday. Students are give a newspaper to write the current event.
2nd Rotation Math: The Game (in class); 1.4 Skills (1-10)
3rd Reading: Central Idea 1 (due today in class or take home to finish); Cursive Writing D,E,F (due Friday)
4th Social Studies: Current Events Started yesterday. One current event is due Every Wednesday. Students are give a newspaper to write the current event.