1st Period Math: Students are to complete all of the C8 Activity Pkt; Do Toothpick Activity page 1 and problems #1 and #2 on the second page.
3rd.Period Math: We are finished with the c8 Activity Pkt; Homework is page 2 on the Toothpick Activity Pkt. Do only problems #1 and #2
4th Period Math: We are finished with the C8 Activity Pkt; Homework is the first page of the Toothpick Activity.
6th Period Math: We stopped on #20 on page 588.
3rd.Period Math: We are finished with the c8 Activity Pkt; Homework is page 2 on the Toothpick Activity Pkt. Do only problems #1 and #2
4th Period Math: We are finished with the C8 Activity Pkt; Homework is the first page of the Toothpick Activity.
6th Period Math: We stopped on #20 on page 588.